It always happens at the most inopportune moment and usually when you're in a hurry. You take your car and turn the key to start and nothing happens, or maybe the engine is running very slowly, or they could not hear the clicks.
could be your next thought. "What do I do now?"
I'll give you even more ways to get out of this situation. If you have a set of jumper cables in your car, you'll be a good Samaritan with a good battery will need to give you a head start. You can certainly get by this procedure.
First make sure that the two vehicles do not touch, because it will provide a reason for the flow of alternating current to 400 amps.
Tighten the second parking brake on each vehicle and put the transmission in park or neutral.
3rd Turn all accessories and the ignition of both vehicles.
Fourth booster cables are usually red terminals for positive (+) terminal and black terminals for negative (-) terminals. These terminals are usually marked on the battery icon with a plus and minus.
Start by setting the fifth one end of the positive jumper cable to the positive terminal of the car down.
6th Connect the other end to the positive terminal of vehicle battery booster.
Attach one end of the seventh extra negative cable to the negative terminal of the booster vehicle.
8th final assembly of the connection at the other end of the cable to the negative terminal of good, accessible metal part, engine battery, so no spark does not damage the battery or the injuries they cause.
9th In setting jumper cables, make sure that the teeth get a good bite of terminals on the terminals or the location of engine weight.
10th Launch vehicle booster and the engine at a speed slightly faster than idle.
11 Try to start the disabled vehicle. If it is not easy to start, switch on and wait a few minutes to recall the vehicle with the dead battery to recharge. In the meantime, check the terminals to ensure they have a good connection.
12 Once the vehicle is started shooting off the cables in reverse order in which it sets.
If you or someone else has a box jump, laptop, camera batteries, you can do so using the positive terminal of the battery, then attach the negative terminal to a good engine ground as described above.
Work safely and carefully. Wear gloves and goggles if you have. See my article for more information on emergency care kit for your vehicle beyond what any vehicle is well equipped.