Shocks and struts should not be substituted for mileage and some other regions such as candles, but they eventually wear out and need replacing. You need new shocks (and / or legs), if your original shocks (or struts) are worn, damaged or leaking. Flight is fairly easy to see (only for oil or moisture to look outside of the shock or leg), as is damage (Split Mountain, dented housing). There are also cases where the original shock may not be worn, damaged or leaking, but no longer sufficient for the task for which they are needed. In such cases, the improvement of the suspension shock stronger or more severe (or leg) is recommended to improve vehicle performance.
But exactly when a shock or leg should be replaced, it's a bit difficult to say. Since the damping characteristics of shocks and struts devaluation gradually over time, is the decline of impulse control often go unnoticed. Thus, when you think you need new shocks or struts, it is usually past the stage where they should have been replaced. When these parts wear over time to cause a rattle or a sudden noise as possible, because the beam comes into contact with the body of the vehicle as they mount bearing disintegrated and is no longer amortization leg.
Another way to determine if it is new shocks or struts need to consider how your vehicle management and has been riding lately. Is it an exaggeration to bounce on the bumpy road or when hitting a bump? If the inclination of the nose when braking? If the excessive body sway when cornering? If the suspension to bottom in the implementation of additional passengers or weight?
There is also a simple test performed to determine if your shocks should be replaced can be. It is called "Bounce Test". A test of "rebound" is a sure way to verify the performance of the damping shock absorbers and struts. This test is easy to jump only to bounce on the front of the vehicle and watch to see how many times the vehicle bounces before stopping the rebound. Too much rebound shows legs and worn shocks. Basically, you need to do is bounce the car up and down with your weight a few times. If you bounce the car and release it to remain the same after a stroke. After exiting the vehicle, it must bounce once and should return to a level point. If the suspension continues to run more than one or two After following the rock and release the bumper or body, your shocks or struts are almost say they are old and need replacing.
So that is how, when the damper motor should be replaced. Shocks and struts are generally replaced in pairs, but not entirely necessary, if one leg of shock or leakage or loss on a low mileage.
The shocks are a popular do-it-yourselfers in most vehicles, because they are easy to replace. But the shocks are not. The most shocks require a good dose of suspension, withdrawal, and the wheels are generally replaced after a shock realigned. For this reason, it is advisable to let a professional replace your legs. Be sure to test with you and hear you the same tone. It is the job for you to register the complaint states adequately secure not only replace "desire", so that when the noise is still present after the repair, you can use it to your original state, which was the complaint.
1 Comment.

Comment By:
July 7, 2010 at 1:41 AM
I know about this process. My car had gone throug this process when it got stuck with a stone below it. Its a difficult task and it charges a handful of bucks.
Thanks for sharing. Great blog!